
Monday, August 19, 2013

School already?!!

WHAT? WHERE did the summer GO???? I feel like the older I get the faster my summers are!

I tell ya, the beginning of this school year has been SO busy that I have not blogged yet??? DANG. Not to mention, my teacher license is expiring next August. I discovered that I will need to do 45 professional development hours this year in order to be able to get it reissued to me. Whew, what a year this will be.

I can already tell this year is going to be a great year. I have a lot of familiar faces in my classes this year which makes the year a lot easier when you already know a lot of your students.

There are several changes this year, including my schedule. My new daily routine is:

1st Block- 7th Grade
2nd Block- 8th Grade
3rd Block- Planning, Lunch (2nd Lunch Duty)
4th Block- 6th Grade
5th Block- 6th Grade

1st Block- 7th Grade
2nd Block- 8th Grade
3rd Block- Planning, Lunch (2nd Lunch Duty)
4th Block- 6th Grade
5th Block- 7th Grade

The past few weeks have consited of us playing games to get to know each other better as well as doing several drawing activities to show what level of skill they have. I am doing a more tidious job of teaching procedures in the classroom. I had WAY too many "where do I put this? Where do I turn this in?" last year. NO EXCUSES this year!! We have gone over and gone over our areas of the classroom till I have been blue in the face!

I would LOVE to post pictures of my classroom today buuuuuuut, it's still a big work in progress. I will say, that I have some amazing and great things planned for it though. I can't wait till it's done so I can show my kids :)

We are all starting our first projects today. I will be posting some images of their classwork drawing assignments later in the week.

Until then, see ya lata!

-Mrs. G

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