
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Spring 2013 Art Show

Well I survived my first art show EVER! and WOW was that an exhausting Friday! Just to tell you how exhausting it was, I hopped on the scale as soon as I got home late Friday night and I had dropped 3 lbs from that morning. Not bad..!!! But that just tells you how much running around I did!!! WHEW!

I decided to wait and not hang up the art work during the day and hang it up after school right after the show. Which means we had a total amount of 2 hours to get everything hung up and presentable. It was absolute madness. Thankfully, I had about 15-20 students that stayed after school to help me hang up everything. We got it all done in an hour and 15 mins. BOOM. I was so happy to have them help me and I don't know what I would have done without them.

I really wished I took more pictures during the show. If you plan on doing an art show, take as many pictures as you can. Possibly, assign someone to take the pictures for you. My problem was I wanted to talk to all my parents so I ended up not snapping enough shots. But here are a few of the shots I did get.

We had it in the cafeteria after much speculation over whether it should be there or in the hallway. I am glad we had it in the cafeteria because after hanging everything up we had SO much work.

Definitely things I could have done differently but overall, we had a very successful night! We had about 75 parents/teachers with their kids come out so I am a very happy lady!

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