
Friday, May 10, 2013

Art Show Prep

 This is going to be the first art show I have ever done in school! I am feeling really overwhelmed by how much awesome art I have gathered from my middle schoolers. Because this is my first time doing a school-wide art show, I am trying SO HARD not to stress!!! It has definitely been a lot of work preparing all of these art pieces. I really would have loved to mat them, but because of my budget being a little low towards the end of the year, and the fact that I don't have a mat cutter, I decided just to staple them to black paper. Overall, I think it's working very well and it's really been easy this way!

My main concern right now is having a wide variety and having around the same amount of items for each grade. I decided to have a seperate section for 6th, 7th, 8th and Art Club. Right now, 7th is hurting for more art work. I did something stupid and gave back ALL of my kids' art work to them the first semester of this year so now I am lacking those pieces big time. I'm trying to just track down some of my fall semester kids to tell them to bring me their work.
 8th Grade Section. We are missing their tape and monster sculptures here. 

 Part of my 6th grade section. They will have a TON of work to display.

 Some of my Art Club bubble paintings.

Art Club's melting crayon paintings. I LOVE HAILEY'S HEART!!!!

So when is the big day??? MAY 24. 5-7PM. It's going to be a great night!!! So excited!

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