
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Upcoming Lichtenstein Portraits

7th Grade is now studying Pop Art and we are emphasizing the style of Roy Lichtenstein. Their upcoming project will be to create a Lichtenstein-style portrait. Now I'm at a cross-roads here. I can't decide whether I want them to do a famous person or themselves. I think it will be a little easier to do famous people but it will benefit them better if they do a portrait of themselves. And it will also be a little bit more work for me bringing in my camera and taking snapshots of everyone. Hopefully I will make that final decision tonight...

Either way, to get them into practice mode I had students draw smaller style drawings of famous people (they had a coloring sheet to look at). Here are a few samples of their practice rounds..

Nicki Minaj

Justin Beiber

Taylor Swift