
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Classwork can be fun....!

We are about to ease into our first projects this week. To help get the kids into the swing of drawing, we've been doing a couple of fun classwork drawing assignments. It's always good to get them doing smaller projects before overwhelming them with a massive assignment....

I still need to take more pictures of some of them but here are some awesome ones so far...

8th Grade is currently studying graphic design. Their classwork assignment was typography characters! They traced a character and filled in with colored text (usually the character's names). I will have to make this into an actual project next year because they loved this and they did great with them.
Scooby Doo


7th Grade is currently studying Art Nouveau and advertising. For their classwork, they had to take a modern item that is popular nowadays and create a Nouveau style "ad" for that product. Most of them are still working on theirs but here are a few that struck my interest!

Apple products were quite a hit....

More to come!!!

-Mrs. G

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