
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

7th Grade Nouveau Movie Posters

This is a bit of a change from my movie poster project I did last semester with 8th grade. My 7th grade classes are studying time periods in art-- this unit we studied Art Nouveau (one of my all time favorites). We also discussed how it was used as an early time advertising for multiple things during the 1900s. This project called for them to design a poster for a modern movie in the style of Art Nouveau. I got inspiration from these movie poster examples, though they are more Deco than Nouveau. 

And here are some student examples-- way more to come!

The Lorax

Can not WAIT till hers is finished!

Les Miserables

The Hunger Games

Percy Jackson


The Sound of Music

Star Wars

Monsters Inc

Thursday, January 24, 2013

8th Grade Typography Characters

8th Grade started off their semester by studying graphic design. I am a lover of typography so I showed my classes some of these awesome examples of typography. They LOVED looking at them!

Their typography project involved them picking a character, draw the outline of them and using the color selection of their choice, fill in the character with colored letters. For this project in particular, they used the character's names. They turned out AWESOME. This will definitely be a project I continue to do every year. It's so easy, simple and they really enjoyed doing them. We did a smaller version as classwork (see the entries below) to get them the hang of the technique. As soon as they turned them in they asked "Can we do another one?!" Always wonderful to hear that from my kids! :)

Here are just a few that have been complete already.. There will be more to come as they finish them. Enjoy!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

And they're back..

SmArt Cards are back! This was an excellent rewards system I did with my students last semester which I thought turned out great. I am ALL about rewarding good behavior. How they work is this: come to class on time, behave greatly, do your best, follow the rules and you will earn a SmArt Card! Hang on to each of them as you earn them. At the end of the 9 weeks if you have up to *15* cards you will be rewarded with a Sonic Slush party! But you HAVE to have 15. Is there a way for you to not earn one?


If you....

are late to class.
come to class without your supplies.
get put at an "isolation" table.
sleep in class.
not complete your work.
leave your table a mess.

Make wise decisions kiddos! You WILL be rewarded for them!


-Mrs. G

Classwork can be fun....!

We are about to ease into our first projects this week. To help get the kids into the swing of drawing, we've been doing a couple of fun classwork drawing assignments. It's always good to get them doing smaller projects before overwhelming them with a massive assignment....

I still need to take more pictures of some of them but here are some awesome ones so far...

8th Grade is currently studying graphic design. Their classwork assignment was typography characters! They traced a character and filled in with colored text (usually the character's names). I will have to make this into an actual project next year because they loved this and they did great with them.
Scooby Doo


7th Grade is currently studying Art Nouveau and advertising. For their classwork, they had to take a modern item that is popular nowadays and create a Nouveau style "ad" for that product. Most of them are still working on theirs but here are a few that struck my interest!

Apple products were quite a hit....

More to come!!!

-Mrs. G

Monday, January 7, 2013

New year!

Welcome back to art class at MJMS! It's a new year which means brand new classes! I'm excited to meet my new victims :) Hahahaha.

I have been doing a lot of planning over the break and have really tweaked my curriculum. Last semester was definitely a trial and error. Some things worked great for me and there were some things that did not work AT ALL. Either way, I've changed up some class rules, procedures, the curriculum and other things.

Here are the changes that will be made:

1. Students will be required to bring their own "art box."
Purchasing supplies was insane last semester. Because of the large number of students I get, I was only able to purchase drawing materials such as markers, crayons, paper, pencils, etc. Because of that I was not able to purchase any other items I was really wanting for class like paint, clay, sculpting supplies, charcoal, printmaking supplies, etc. So I have passed a new rule that each student will be required to bring an art box to class everyday that include:

colored pencils
regular pencils
hand held pencil sharpener

If students can provide their own markers, crayons and colored pencils this will make a HUGE difference in my budget and allow me to purchase so many more fun materials for the rare projects we don't get to do in class often. Parents, if this becomes an issue let me know and we will work out something.

2. Sketchbook Assignments
We're going away from the art folders and making our own sketchbooks and we will be having sketchbook assignments. I wanted to do this last year but wasn't sure how to make sketchbooks for everyone. Thanks to my bookmaking workshop I was able to find a way to make our own sketchbooks for cheap!

3. We will have a student teacher coming in March!
Her name is Ms. Jessica and I can't wait to meet her and to hear all the wonderful things she will be doing for our students.

Those are the two biggest changes along with some changes in the project choices. Keep checking the art class section on the MJMS website to see and hear about any other announcements we got coming up.

It's going to be a great semester!!!

-Mrs. G