
Friday, November 9, 2012

What's been up...

Well hello again! Life has done what it loves to do and has gotten BUSY. I was out of school this past Monday with the flu, but I am feeling sooo much better now. :)

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and I can already smell my mom's turkey and my granny's chocolate pie! This is the part of the semester where art class will get busier and busier. Time needs to fly by and the only way to do that is to continue to WORK!

So here are a few updates--- new classroom arrangement. The group tables were causing too much chatter so I went with the classic U set up. It was a little difficult to do it with the amount of tables and space but I think it's been working great so far. I have noticed a big difference in the amount of distractions for the kids since they are not face to face with 5-6 other kids all day long. Plus they are all facing ME which makes my job a ton easier!

On another note, I have just put a huge order in for some paint and canvases so we will soon be able to paint in class! Until then, we have been doing fun daily projects to keep ourself busy.

ART CLUB will be meeting soon next week and we will be having our 2nd after school workshop when we come back from Thanksgiving....just trying to figure out whaaaat we could doooo..... I'll think about it and get back to you on it. 


-Mrs. G

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