
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

November Art Club Workshop-- Bookmaking

We had our November workshop today after school where we learned a simple pamphlet stitch from book making. I wish that I had a lot more accessories to give them to decorate their books. All the had was construction paper, markers and crayons. Some of the girls brought some cute things to add, but when I do this in the future I will make sure to have a variety of patterns, beads, stickers, etc. 

We dropped insanely with our numbers. During the melting crayon workshop we had WELL over 50+ kids and it was a nightmare trying to get all those paintings done. Today we had about 30 which was a great size, but I do hope more continue to join! 

The instruction image I gave to the kids. Verrry helpful.

And the stabbing the spine begins! I was so happy when I realized we could use the cracks of the cafeteria tables to give them room to stick holes in the spine. How helpful!!!

And more stabbing..... 

Some of the fun things the girls brought to decorate their books!

Olivia's final book.

Ellie's final book

A lot of the students finished several in the time of our meeting. This was overall a great lesson for Art Club. I definitely plan on doing more bookmaking lessons. The next time I do this, I will bring bigger paper so they can make much bigger books. I definitely need to be taking a lot more pictures, I feel like I get so overwhelmed during Art Club meetings. Maybe I should *try* letting some of my members take pictures for me? :)

Aaaaaaaaaaand to top off the end of a good day, a stop at Marble Slab Creamery. I've never been to one of these until today.. WHERE HAVE I BEEN ALL MY LIFE??? CHEESECAKE ICE CREAM, I mean COME ON. 


-Mrs. G

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