
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

6th Grade Value Silhouettes

My 6th graders just completed their value paintings. We incorporated movement and the human figure for the focal point. This was great fun for all the athletes because they were able to put their favorite sport into their work. At first I was making them draw their own silhouette. After several attempts and a lot of heartache from the kids, I broke down and just cut out some stencils for them to trace. When I do this again, I will make sure to cut out more sports. I had a lot of sad softball and baseball players when they saw I didn't have a stencil for that sport. But then again can you please everyone?

The next thing they do is draw 6 layers of lines around the figure for their value scales. Some of them struggled because I said over and over and over again "Do NOT put the lines closer together unless you want to paint with a tiny paintbrush!!!" Finally they were able to paint and ended up doing a great job! I was quite limited with paint colors. I only had red, black, blue, green and orange. Next year I do this I will make SURE I have purple--- loooooove purple. 

Here are just a few to share! 
Quite proud of Marti for drawing her own silhouette here!!! 

The famous Air Jordan pose was quite the popular one!


-Mrs. G

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