
Monday, November 12, 2012

6th Grade Perspective Cities and Names

Perspective is always something I dread teaching because the kids either love it or they LOATHE it with every atom in their body. It is a fabulous technique to learn at the middle school age so it is vital to have a project over it. I decided to experiment this year with the 6th grade class. They really struggled with it, which in my opinion ended up being a good thing since they had to focus twice as hard on this project as they had to with the others.

Since I have 4 6th grade classes total, I decided to mix it up and have 2 of them make cityscapes and have the other 2 do their names. Both one point perspective. They LOVED the names, however, I am going to have to find a much better way to teach it. They had a very hard time understanding where the lines go and I felt like I was saying the exact same things over, and over, and over again.

Nevertheless, I am quite proud of all of them! They definitely had to step out of their comfort zones. And those most of these are not *perfect* I am still happy with each of them!


-Mrs. G

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