
For Future Students

Welcome to my art class!! I am excited to have you every other day here at MJMS! :) We are going to have a GREAT year together. I believe there is potential in every SINGLE student, no matter what your background is. Art is important for you because it teaches you how to think outside of the box, be creative, unique and stand out from others. You do NOT have to be good at drawing in order to get an A in class!

Even though art is a lot of fun, there are some things you need to know before you start creating in class. Here is all the information you need to know about coming to art.

Class Rules:
1. Be on time with materials
2. Raise your hand before speaking.
3. Stay on task.
4. Clean up ALL messes before you leave.

Supplies: Art Box, Folder, Pencil and Paper
Every student is required to bring an art box to class every day. Some students prefer pencil pouches, which work totally fine. Inside your art box, you will need 1 pack of crayons, 1 pack of markers, 1 pack of colored pencils, pencils, erasers and 1 pencil sharpener. Everything else you will need in class (rulers, scissors, glue, paint, brushes, canvases, paper), I will supply those for you. IT IS CRUCIAL that you bring your supplies with you every single day because we will be making art EVERY single day!

Along with your art box, you will need to bring a small folder with paper to complete and store daily bell ringers. And of course, more than anything, BRING A PENCIL TO CLASS!!!

Each grade will be focusing on a different curriculum.
6th Grade will create projects that are based on the elements of art. 7th Grade will create projects based on art history, famous artists and famous art styles. 8th Grade will create projects that focus on different mediums.

Sketchbook Assignments:
One of an artist's most important tools is their sketchbook. Each student will recieve their own sketchbook with various assignments to complete in them through the semester. Sketchbooks will remain in the classroom in your designated block tray. It is your responsibilty to pick up your sketchbook to work in daily to make sure all your assignments are complete before their due dates.

We will work on projects DILIGENTLY in class! All projects will be worked on in class, unless a situation calls for a student to take their work home to complete. Use your time wisely. You will recieve a very fair amount of time to complete work and it your responsibility to get your work done. No excuses.

Bell Ringers:
There will be bell ringer on the board to complete every single day. When you complete your bell ringers, put them all in your folders to store until they are due to be turned in and checked.

Ipods and Music:
In the past I have found that listening to music increases productivity in the art room. It also helps drown out various distractions for students. However, I believe getting to listen to music in class is a PRIVILEGE and I expect my students to treat it this way. Classes with an excellent conduct the first 4 weeks of school will earn that privilege to bring their music to listen to in class. Under some conditions....

1. You MUST have headphones to listen to your music.
2. Under no circumstances are games, texting and social media allowed.

If the top two rules are broken, it will result in your device being confiscated. Make good choices and stay on task!

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