
Saturday, July 6, 2013

More Summer Camp

Camp is continuing on proud and strong so I thought I would share a few more moments. I am growing to love elementary kids more and more every day, especially the kindergarteners. (I know right!?) I will definitely do this again next year, and I am quite confident that I will do a much better job now that I know the ropes of it all. It's really amazing to me how little it takes to entertain these kids. Not saying at all that it's a good reason to slack, but I would just rack my brain and rack my brain over thinking up of great and powerful lessons but in the end, what they love is the simplest things. It's such a great age!
Here is some of what we have done thus far.

Paper plate fish made by our 2nd and 3rd grade groups.

We had a coloring contest with each group. All winners won a bag of candy, 2nd was $5 cash and 1st was $10 cash. In heart of the opening of Monsters University opening up, they had to design their own Sully monster. Here are the winners. So creative!!

We finished our clay unit for K-3 grades. I can not stop making these hilarious fishies. They're the best!

The kindergarten group making their pinch pots.

Some of the fish that turned out. Haven't gotten to paint them yet. AREN'T THEY GREAT????

If there is one item next year I will buy tons and tons of it is yarn. We have done SO many projects with yarn and the kids absolutely LOVE working with it. I have even had to hide it so some kids wouldn't steal it :/ We have made bracelets and even paper plate weavings.